Trace is really handy around the house and loves a good project (or....as he puts it "another item on the honey-do list"). We have actually been researching swingsets because we think it is about time for her to have her very own playland in the back yard....but after researching it a while and observing her with our neighbors swingsets, we decided we can wait one more year on the swingset AS long as she has her own sandbox this year.
Long story short, after lots of time, effort and trips to Home Depot, a sandbox is now on our back patio! Here's a link to DIY Networkhttp://www.diynetwork.com/diy/gr_lawns_landscaping/article/0,2029,DIY_13852_5871990,00.html in case you are inspired to do this yourself! Trace went all out! Our sandbox has a place to store toys, benches for the grown ups, it's cedar wood and is stained to go with our house...and it's on wheels, so this sandtrap o' fun can be moved easily. Have I mentioned lately that he could just be the best Daddy (and husband) in the world?!
Also, my Mom saw colored sand in a trip to Wally-E-World one day and so we HAD to get the fabulous colored sand for our sandbox too. We have green, blue and purple (plus regular light sand colored) and it's like a mardi-gras mix, but mostly it looks blue (and it's pretty fun). Go Crayolahttp://www.crayola.com/products/splash/additional/toys-games.cfm for thinking out of the box! The corporate part of my brain is thinking...I bet their corporate brainstorming meetings are fun. Oh...and some pictures of the cute kid in the sandbox!
I still need to get a final picture now that it's finished (the final version includes seats, staining, etc.), but for now...here's the post on the sandbox! :)