And finally, a post about..Christmas morning! Sydney had a blast. The only two requests she had of Santa were a baby doll (as if she has NO baby dolls at home) and a BARBIE Jeep. Apparently she was a good girl this year because Santa brought both items (and a few other surprises). Trace and I thought last year was the sweetest Christmas ever watching her in awe over the lights. This year she believed in Santa and knew it was Jesus's Birthday and we had a wonderful, magical Christmas. It was chaos, but fun chaos. After everything from under the tree was open, she asked, "where's my Barbie Jeep?". We told her Santa left a note for us to check the garage for one more gift. The mother in me was concerned I was raising a very self-centered kid until she noted that Daddy and I needed more presents too. (Whew- she can think of others! ;). I explained that it's good to give gifts as well as receive them and that sometimes great things can come in little packages (like spa gift cards). :)
Here are a few pics from Christmas morning. Please excuse any mess or morning hair you may see. This is real life at the P house.
Here are a few pics from Christmas morning. Please excuse any mess or morning hair you may see. This is real life at the P house.
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