Posted on 6:56 PM


By Robin at 6:56 PM

Aren't these girls sweet? I love it!

Sydney and Catherine got to play a little while last week and Catherine's brother, Carson, found a new toy. Trace was so great with him too, he was really excited seeing Carson figure it all out.

Now, here's something fun....Two blog mentions on sharing of the same jumpy jump. :) Trace and I bought it when Sydney was about 7 months old. It's a fabulous toy for 2-3 months, but there's no good reason to just let it sit idle in the garage. NO, you share this little "gym" with friends. We're so glad it's getting some great use!
We're gearing up for our trip to Cancun to see Kristy get married and will post more soon!


dotbird on January 12, 2009 at 5:21 AM  

What a grown up little girl!!! I love the photo. Grandma and Grandpa Neslen

The Polks on January 12, 2009 at 11:03 AM  

Carson LOVES the jumper. He is getting lots of use out of it! It is hilarious to watch him jump.

I like the new look of your blog, espcially the beautiful picture.