Posted on 8:38 PM

So Smart......Talking..other tricks

Filed Under (,) By Robin at 8:38 PM

Here's our girl reading one of her favorite books about dogs. Everyone is convinced she needs a puppy. :)

Our little gal loves to help with laundry. Well, she LOVES to run around the house with her new finds from the laundry pail when we fold clothes!

Some of you have been asking if she's talking... IS SHE EVER!!

Sydney is a walking, talking, climbing little gal these days. She can repeat anything you say and she has a pretty extensive vocabulary for a kid her age! We're reading lots of books and talking about colors and shapes. She's also having fun with crayons and making music via any means possible. She can point to most of her body parts, but her favorite is to show us her tongue and belly button. YELLOW is her favorite color right now. In fact most everything is "yellow" these days. She goes "ape" for bananas. At this point, she can fairly well communicate what it is that she wants- either via verbal skills ("bite"= food, "side"= play outside, "GO" for "let's go") or physically taking our hand to lead us where she wants to go. She's just started using two word phrases like "thank you" and "did it". We can understand her :) and so can Heather. Are we in for a new world or what?!


Dotbird on September 10, 2008 at 6:47 AM  

She's brilliant, you know.

The Polks on September 15, 2008 at 5:50 PM  

So smart!! She looks adorable in her pink and brown swimsuit :)