Posted on 9:00 PM

Holidays in TN!

By Robin at 9:00 PM

Watching Sydney enjoy the holidays has been such a joy this year. There really is something magical about enjoying the Holidays through the eyes of a child.

She loved the lights, the presents and after about 10 (yes, 10!) visits to Santa, she warmed up to the jolly fella and got some pics on his lap! We traveled to North Carolina and Florida to see relatives for the Holidays (more on those trips and some Santa pics in another posting)...

And a cute one of Sydney using her purple and gold "poms" from Grandma Dotty. GO Catamounts, GO! And...thanks Grandma Dotty!


dotbird on January 5, 2009 at 5:39 PM  

Go CATS! I'm glad she likes the pom-poms. Love the Christmas scenes. G-Dotty